
getting trashed

i enjoy my morning blogs, first coffee of the day in hand, flicking from site to site, checking out what natalie and zoe love, what isaac likes, susie's bubble AND one of my FAV's... garbage dress.

zana bayne has great style - usually shrouded in numerous layers of black, hottt leggings, bitchin' margiela shoes topped off with her trademark mass of black curls and red glasses. she lives in san francisco, but dreams of berlin, has sexy friends and is an uber talented artist and web designer. it's true, i have a little blog crush.

so, i was totally stoked to see zana rockin' pieces from berlin label postweiler hauber's new spring/summer collection recently - as pictured above... both pieces will be hanging on the racks when we open in 18 days!!!!

more on postweiler hauber soon, but in the meantime check out zana's blog, she rulzzzzzz!

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